



出发日期:3/18-4/18 天天出发,(其中周一到周四团期4人成团)








Senior   (65+)





法拉盛Flushing:6:30am 135-20 39th Avenue - Flushing, NY(Sheraton Hotel)

曼哈顿时代广场Manhattan Times Square:7:00am 321 W 42nd St, New York, NY10036 (Fuji)

新澤西Jersey City:7:30 am 619 Marin Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07310

新泽西Edison:8:15 am 4701 Stelton Rd, South Plainfield  (Holiday Inn South Plainfield ):(只接不送)


New York - Washington DC(250 miles)






出发日期:3/18-4/18 天天出发,(其中周一到周四团期4人成团)



Adult (12+)




Senior   (65+)






法拉盛Flushing:6:30am 135-20 39th Avenue - Flushing, NY(Sheraton Hotel)

曼哈顿时代广场Manhattan Times Square:7:00am 321 W 42nd St, New York, NY10036 (Fuji)

新澤西Jersey City:7:30 am 619 Marin Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07310

新泽西Edison:8:15 am 4701 Stelton Rd, South Plainfield  (Holiday Inn South Plainfield ):(只接不送)

Terms & Conditions


  1. 年龄限制:【不限制】;18岁以下未成年人或者儿童需要由成年人陪伴参团;Age Restriction: [None]; minors under 18 years old or children must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. 全程不能自费门票或使用CITY PASS,门票请跟导游团上购买。No self-paid tickets or use of CITY PASS tickets are allowed during the entire tour. Please purchase tickets through the tour guide.
  3. 请在预定时提供准确且完整的信息:包括姓名,有效联系方式(手机,whatsapp,微信号)方便联系客人,准确的航班信息或者参团地点,以免产生预定错误,影响出行。如因客人提供信息错误造成损失,由您自行承担;Please provide accurate and complete information when booking: including your name, valid contact details (mobile phone, WhatsApp, WeChat ID) for easy communication, and accurate flight or meeting point details to avoid booking errors and ensure smooth travel. Any losses caused by incorrect information provided by the guest will be borne by the guest.
  4. 我司有权在方便出团操作的情况下,对行程顺序进行适当调整以确保旅游团顺利进行,但不会减少行程中应包含的项目;The company has the right to adjust the itinerary order to ensure the smooth operation of the tour, but will not reduce any items that should be included in the itinerary.
  5. 实际出行过程中,导游或司机有权根据天气、交通等情况,适当调整景点的游览顺序、停留时间或集合时间以确保行程顺利进行;During the actual trip, the guide or driver has the right to adjust the order, duration, or meeting time of sightseeing spots depending on weather, traffic, or other factors to ensure the trip proceeds smoothly.
  6. 如遇景点临时关闭或节假日(感恩节、圣诞节、新年)关闭等,导致无法参观,导游会根据实际情况调整为外观或以其他景点代替以确保行程的丰富性。各景点及国家公园的开放时间及流量控制会因疫情不时变化,如影响行程属不可抗力因素,敬请谅解;If a sightseeing spot is temporarily closed or closed during holidays (such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year), and thus cannot be visited, the guide will adjust the itinerary based on the actual situation, either by visiting the spot from the outside or substituting with another attraction to ensure the richness of the trip. Opening hours and visitor flow control for attractions and national parks may change due to the pandemic. If it affects the itinerary, it is considered a force majeure, and we kindly ask for your understanding.
  7. 八岁以下儿童参团需乘坐安全座椅,我司提供租借服务,租金$10.00/人/天,请务必在预定行程时提前备注告知,以便我们提前准备,如因客人未提前告知所造成的违规和罚金由客人自行承担,敬请理解。出行当日安排大巴出行无需安全座椅,费用可退还客人;Children under 8 years old must use a safety seat during the tour. We offer a rental service for $10.00 per person per day. Please make sure to notify us in advance when booking, so we can prepare accordingly. If a guest fails to notify us in advance, any violations and fines will be borne by the guest. Please understand that no safety seat will be needed on the coach for travel on the day of departure, and the rental fee will be refunded to the guest.
  8. 行程中众多旅游景点需要参团人具备基本的健康条件。残疾人士和行动不便者报名参团前请提前联系我司获取相关政策信息。团组不可以携带轮椅上团;Many of the sightseeing spots in the itinerary require basic health conditions. Disabled persons and those with mobility issues should contact our company in advance for relevant policy information. Wheelchairs are not allowed on the group tour.
  9. 为保障行程顺利完整,游客有责任严格遵守导游给出的集合时间。如果距离集合时间超过十分钟,车子将离开不予等待;To ensure a smooth and complete itinerary, guests are responsible for strictly adhering to the assembly times given by the tour guide. If the group departs and a guest is more than ten minutes late, the vehicle will leave without waiting.
  10. 我司有权在方便出团操作的情况下,在途中将游客从原车换到另一辆车并指派不同导游和司机提供服务;The company has the right to transfer guests from the original vehicle to another vehicle and assign a different guide and driver to ensure the smooth operation of the tour.
  11. 该产品是团体活动,如游客选择中途离团,请提前告知并征得导游同意,需签署离团协议书,未完成部分将被视为游客自行放弃,团费不予退还;This is a group activity. If a guest chooses to leave the group midway, they must inform the guide in advance and obtain consent, sign a departure agreement, and any uncompleted parts of the itinerary will be considered voluntarily waived by the guest. No refund of the tour fee will be provided.
  12. 行程中的赠送项目,如因交通、天气等不可抗力因素导致不能赠送的、或因游客个人原因不能参观的,费用不退,敬请谅解;If any complimentary items in the itinerary cannot be provided due to force majeure factors like traffic, weather, etc., or if a guest cannot participate due to personal reasons, no refund will be given. We ask for your understanding.
  13. 根据美国联邦法律,参团期间车上禁止吸烟,绝大多数酒店房间也禁止吸烟;酒店的清洁人员都受过专业训练,保安人员也会专业的留下证据,一旦被发现,会有每晚至少250 美元的清洁费用。这项费用由客人自己承担,我司概不负责;According to U.S. federal law, smoking is prohibited on the vehicle during the tour, and most hotel rooms also prohibit smoking. Hotel cleaning staff are professionally trained, and security personnel will gather evidence if needed. If smoking is detected, there will be a cleaning fee of at least $250 per night, which the guest will be responsible for. Our company is not liable for this charge.
  14. 所有行程一律不允许带宠物和动物参团;Pets and animals are not allowed on any tour itinerary.

Fee Description

费用不含(Cost excludes)

  1. 餐费Meal costs
  2. 服务费(每人每天支付US$12,儿童及占座婴儿均按成人标准支付);Service fee (US$12 per person per day, applicable to both children and infants occupying seats, charged at the adult rate)
  3. 景点门票 Attraction admission fee

